Ocean Group: Records of John Lindsay Alexander, director



John Lindsay Alexander (12th September 1920 – 15th May 2000) joined the Ocean Steam Ship Co. Ltd, after completing his university degree (disrupted by Second World War service in the Middle East and Italy). He became Managing Director in 1955 and was Company Chairman from 1971 to 1980, remaining on the board until 1986. He served as a Non-Executive Director with a number of other companies, including Lloyds Bank. He was an important figure in the Liverpool shipping community, Chair of the Liverpool Port Employers’ Association from 1964 - 1967 and President of the UK Chamber of Shipping 1974 - 1975. He was involved in a number of Liverpool charitable institutions mainly relating to volunteering and training. He was knighted in 1975 for services to business. Sir Lindsay recognised containerisation as the future of cargo transportation and shipping in general and strove to ensure Ocean’s future strength and survival by establishing Overseas Containers Ltd and transforming Ocean’s fleet from liners to tankers and bulk carriers. He further sought to limit the company from the effects of the decline in liner services and traditional cargo handling by diversifying into ship management services and non-marine transport and distribution. The collection comprises the business papers of Sir Lindsey Alexander, relating to Ocean Steam Ship Co Ltd, the Employers’ Association of the Port of Liverpool and other matters in international shipping. It also includes papers relating to his charity work with the Victoria Settlement, Everton, Indefatigable Training School and other volunteering charities, and the Liverpool Philharmonic orchestra. For further details see the attached catalogue or contact The Archives Centre for a copy of the catalogue.