Openwork Applique
Two fragments of thin, sheet-gold appliqué often described as a diadem or wreath, but more likely originally sewn to a cloth backing (garment?) as they are quite fragile. From a thin slightly curving band, lotus buds with three petals project on both sides; the band has an outline of asymmetrical curves imitating leaves or sepals, and preserves one end forming an open curve. The “stem” is outlined in filed, beaded wire, the lotus flowers in plain wire. Ten flowers are preserved on the inner curve and eight on the outer; broken at one end and missing two flowers. Each curve of the stem and the outer two petals of each flower are pierced to be sewn onto some backing; back surfaces are smooth. The two fragments do join, and so were part of a single object; the filed beading technique used for the borders of petals etc., is found in many Etruscan pieces.