Painting, Portrait, Lieutenant John Caldwell



Portrait in oils of Lieutenant John Caldwell dressed on the occasion of an inter-nation War Council held on the 17 January 1780 at Wakeetomike, Canada. Gilt frame, unknown artist. He and his commanding officer, Colonel Arent Schuyler De Peyster, were key figures in the treaty process with Indigenous North American Tribes on the American/Canadian border. Caldwell lived among the Tribes, and learned their languages in order to understand their culture and gain their trust in negotiations. Label on front: 'THE PORTRAIT OF SIR JOHN CALDWELL BART 8TH THE KING'S REGIMENT WHO COLONEL DE PEYSTER SENT FROM DETROIT TO SANDUSKY TO REQUIRE OF THE SHAWNEE, DELAWARE, MINGOES, AND OTHERS TO BURY THE HATCHET, AT THE PRELIMINARIES OF PEACE WHICH WAS SIGNED BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 1782'