


Hollow, lentoid 'bulla' pendant with smooth, convex surface, constructed from two sheets of gold, for front and back, the outer edges covered with a beaded border and concentric inner band of tongue-pattern. Two large, now slightly slanted, bands for suspension rings, their outer edges decorated with a heavy beaded band between the suspension loops. A tiny perfume-pin slots into the round opening on the top of the disc. The pin segment is cylindrical and hollow, and presumably once held a pin of organic material (not preserved). Its top is completed with a horizontal cylinder ornamented with beading over its centre and outer edges. This meshes with the suspension loops so that to open the pendant one would have to remove it or loosen the chain or thong by which it was worn. The beaded wire was created by filing a thicker wire into shape. A thin greyish-white deposit, perhaps residue from contents, coverd the top and handle of the pin-segment, although the hollow internal cylinder is very clean. There is distinct wear evident on both outer sides of the suspension rings, so the bulla was definitely worn on multiple occasions in antiquity.