Photograph of renovation of Albert Dock, Liverpool, Block D, later Merseyside Maritime Museum, north east corner of roof with stainless steel roof cleats to retain cork roof insulation and cork slabs being craned in. West hipped end showing original wrou
Colour transparency. Renovation of Albert Dock, Liverpool, Block D, later Merseyside Maritime Museum, exterior, roof, to north elevation and north east corner. Stainless steel cleats pop riveted through roofing felt to wrought iron roof plates beneath, to retain cork insulation to north east corner of roof with slabs of 4" (10cm) thick cork insulation being craned in and workmen in view. West hipped end of north east corner of roof shows original wrought iron roof sheets removed. Below north elevation main entrance to the museum later placed. Part of Canning Half Tide and Graving docks visible to lower left. Views north east across to the city include the White Star Line building centre and red-bricked building on the Strand, latter since demolished, centre left.