Programme, 'There's no place like Homotopia'



This programme is for Homotopia, the annual gay arts festival based in Liverpool that was first launched in 2004. In 2005 it ran for 13 days from 31 October until 12 November with the theme There’s no place like Homotopia. During the course of the festival there were over 50 events including a retrospective of the work of artist Mark Wardel, better known as TradeMark who was born in Wallasey in 1957 before going on to study and produce art in Liverpool and London. There was also a performance of From Scottie Road to Harvard by Chloe Poems, the gingham clad alter ego of Gerry Potter, a writer, performer and director who was born in Liverpool in 1962. Other events included an interview with activist Peter Tatchell from Stonewall, a celebration of lesbian and gay music from Nazi-era Germany and film festival which showed 20 films with an LGBT theme.