PS Empress Queen



Builder's model of Paddle Steamer Empress Queen, a Cross-Channel Mail Packet built by Fairfield Company of Glasgow for the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, Douglas, IOM. She was named in honour of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. During the First World War, Empress Queen entered war service as a troop carrier, transporting troops to Le Havre. After almost a year’s service, Empress Queen ran into difficulties during very low visibility, leading to the ship running aground off Bembridge, Isle of Wight, on 1 February 1916. At the time 1,300 troops were on board, returning to Southampton from France. Initially it was hoped to refloat her but, as attempts were made, weather conditions deteriorated and the decision was made to abandon ship. The ship broke up over time, with the two funnels being visible until the summer of 1919.