Recorded interviews with past residents of the Royal Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution (Seamen's Orphanage), Newsham Park, Liverpool
4 cassette tapes. The interviews were carried out by Norma Morris, nurse from the Newsham Park Hospital that was in the old Orphanage building from 1954 to the 1990s. No permission forms accompany the recordings.
Names of Interviewees and dates they were in the RLSOI are Thomas Rice (1911-1917), Arthur Alfred Bailey (c. 1928-?), Olive Yates (later Smith) (1927-1936), Alice Yates (1930-1940), Ron Mackay (1932-1940), Margaret (‘Lil’) Travis (1923-1930), Jim Vondy (1939-1948), George Bennett (1937-1945), Eric Collier (1934-1939), Margaret Manson (1928-1937), John Manson (1928-1932), Richard Manson (1928-1934), Charles Thomas (1912-1918), Joseph Brown (1921-1926), Alec Edwards (c. 1930s), Wally Edwards (c. 1930s), Bill Collier (1933-1939), Harry Collier (1934-1942), Lily Edwards (later McDonald) (1936-1945), Bill (‘Alf’) Edwards (1934-41, George Chandler (1939-?), Alec Robertson (1929-1937), Harry Davis (c. 1930-36), Fred Griffiths (1915-1917)