Religious Figure / Hayagriva



Small Sino-Tibetan gilt bronze statue of Hayagriva, or Tamdrin Marpo. He is a powerful protector of the Buddha of Limitless Light - Amitabha. He stands lunging to the right on a single lotus throne, and treads on snakes with his six feet. He has three heads with protective expressions, each with three eyes, the third one being the wisdom eye. His middle face is red - pigment still showing on beard and moustache- his mouth is wide open and snarling and his flame-like hair rises around a crown of skulls, topped by three horse heads. He has six arms, the raised right hand holds a a curved knife, while the left one is also raised in the digdzub mudra (gesture of power) and also holds a chopper. His middle right hand holds a five-pronged dorje, which is attached by a piece of twisted wire, his middle left hand holds a lasso made of entrails, the lower right is empty, and the lower left holds a hook. He wears the ornaments of powerful protection; an elephant skin, which can be seen at the back, a tiger skin loin cloth, the face of which can be seen at the back, and jewellery made of bones and skulls. He would have been decorated with small jewels, but these have been removed. Stands on separate single lotus base, which has been opened.