Replanning Schemes for Liverpool : Princes Avenue Re-Arranged and Rebuilt as a Boulevard of High Class Flats and Residences

WAG 1996.14


This drawing is one of a number of imaginative schemes drawn by Stanley Davenport Adshead (1868 - 1946) to illustrate how Liverpool might be re-planned to enhance its appearance and improve its layout. He used the drawings to illustrate his article on the topic for The Town Planning Review in July 1910. The focus of Adshead’s re-planning scheme was Liverpool’s centre but he did intend to improve the city’s suburbs too. He was particularly keen to extend Princes Avenue through the city as far as Lime Street to create a grand entry into the city from the south. Adshead believed his plans suited Liverpool’s future as the principal city of the north. He wanted to improve housing conditions and provide more public spaces for people to enjoy as well as build an impressive business district for the city’s traders.