Sculpture of a Man



Statuette of a male figure carved from serpentine with an inscription that invokes the deified king Sneferu of the 4th Dynasty. The figure is standing with left arm held across the chest and right arm held at the side with the hand holding a fold of cloth. The facial details are simply carved, with short cropped hair and protruding ears. He wears a kilt with the upper surface inscribed with a single column of hieroglyphic text giving the beginning of an offering formula which breaks off halfway down: " An offering which the king gives to Snefer(u) the revered one before..." [Htp di nsw snfr[w] imAHw...]. Broken off at shins and part of left elbow missing. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no. 49164: STAUETTE Steattite, Senefru, III Dynasty, inscribed "May the King give and offering to Senefru" 8½ x 3¾ " Egyptian; Purchased at Stevens's, London, 3 June 1919 Lot 440.