
WAG 8797


Scylla is a sea monster from Greek mythology. She lived in the water and rocks opposite the whirlpool, Charybdis; the two are usually paired. Scylla would devour the sailors of ships which came too close; if they veered too far the other way, the ship would by consumed and sunk by Charybdis. In the Odyssey, Homer described Scylla as having twelve feet, six necks and many ferocious teeth. Scylla and Charybdis were said to be located either side of the Strait of Messina, between Italy and Sicily. Goldie presents Scylla as a sensual, muscular, imposing woman, seeming at one with the sea creatures around her. She appears calm, but the terrified faces of the figures in the water belie the horror of her presence. Little is known about Goldie. He produced watercolours and prints, and taught etching at the Central School for Art and Crafts, London. He was based in Liverpool at some point in his career and exhibited at the Liverpool Autumn Exhibitions at the Walker Art Gallery. This drawing was previously owned by the sculptor, George Herbert Tyson Smith (1883 - 1972), who may have known Goldie through Liverpool art circles.