Shabti of Amen-mose
Mummiform shabti wearing a plain tripartite wig with a seshed headband tied at the back. The arms are crossed right over left on the chest, and the hands hold a pair of hoes modelled in low relief and painted black. The face has the eyes with brows painted black although these are somewhat faded. A trapezoidal diamond–hatched basket is painted behind the shoulders. A vertical column of inscription on the front names the owner as Amen–mose.
Transliteration and translation of the inscription: Wsir it-nTr mr.y n Imn-Ra Imn-ms mAa-xrw, “The Osiris, the Beloved God’s Father of Amun–Re, Amen–mose, justified”.
The catalogue card states that the colour is faded, and slightly deteriorated.
See 52.55.101, 105 & 110. Old label from Gilstrap Museum reads: "Three figures from the tomb of Amen - Mes, at Thebes, which is about 350 miles south of modern Cairo. Amen - Mes had the title of 'Divine Father of Amen', which meant he was a priest of high rank in the temple of the god Amen - Ra at Thebes". The Gilstrap collection was formed by Miss Gilstrap, who contributed funds to the British School of Archaeology in Egypt between 1900 and 1910. She was given a share of the excavated finds in return for the funding she provided.