Shabti of Ankh-es-en-iset



Mummiform shabti wearing a plain tripartite wig with a seshed headband added in black tied at the back. The arms are crossed left over right above the waist. The hands, that are rather small, hold a pair of hoes added in black. A square basket with square–hatched detail and shoulder straps is painted on the back of the shabti. The face is fairly well shaped. Large eyes with brows are added in black. The ears are large and very well defined in the modelling. A vertical column of inscription on the front of the figure names the owner as Ankh–es–en–Iset. Described in the 1870's by the curator Charles Gatty as belonging to "Ankhsenhesi". Transliteration and translation of the inscription:sHD Wsir anx.s-n-As.t mAa.t-xrw, "The illuminated one, the Osiris, Ankh–es–en–Iset, justified".