Shabti of Bakenkhonsu



Mummiform shabti wearing a plain tripartite wig with black horizontal bands on the lower extremity of the front lappets, and a seshed headband tied at the back. The arms are crossed right over left on the chest, and the hands holds a pair of hoes added in black. A large square–hatched basket with shoulder straps is painted low on the back. The face, although rudimentarily modelled, has details of the eyes with brows added in black. A vertical column of inscription on the front of the shabti names the owner as Bak–en–Khonsu. Transliteration and translation of the inscription: sHD Wsir it-nTr n Imn BAk-n-xns.w, “The illuminated one, the Osiris, the God’s Father of Amun, Bak–en–Khonsu”. The Gilstrap collection was formed by Miss Gilstrap, who contributed funds to the British School of Archaeology in Egypt between 1900 and 1910. She was given a share of the excavated finds in return for the funding she provided.