Shabti of Djed-bastet-iwef-ankh
Overseer type shabti in everyday dress holding a flail in right hand. Green glaze with short wig in black. Very much like an overseer type of Djed-bastet-iwef-ankh in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London (UC40054 Dd-B3stt-iw-f-anx) with painted inscription on the back.
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession number 72441: FIGURE. Faience, white, traces of green glaze, short hair with fringe, left arm by the side, right bent at elbow. On rectangular base. Features partly obliterated. 4 1/2" x 1 1/4". Purchasd at Stevens's Auction House, London, 14 November 1928 Lot 196.