Shabti of Djed–bastet–iwef–ankh



Mummiform shabti wearing a plain tripartite wig and divine beard. The arms are crossed right over left on the chest, and the hands emerge from a shroud to hold a pick in the left, and a hoe in the right. The right hand also holds the cord for a basket that is carried behind the left shoulder. The face is summarily modelled. The shabti is supported by a dorsal pillar, and stands upon a trapezoidal base. The body of the figure has eight horizontal bands of incised inscription naming the owner as Djed–Bastet–iwef–ankh (meaning something like, The goddess Bastet says 'may he live'), followed by Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead. Transliteration and translation of the inscription: sHD Wsir Dd-bAst.t-iw.f-anx mAa-xrw ms (n) Ir.t-ir.w Dd.f i wSb.ty ipn ir Wsir Dd-bAst.t-iw.f-anx mAa-xrw r ir(.t) kA.t nb(.t) ir.t im m Xr.t-nTr (n) ist Hw sDb.w im m s r Xr.t.f m.k wi r nw nb ir.t im srwD sx.t r smH.y wDb.w r Xn.t Say [n r] Ts pxr m.k [wi] kA.[t]n, "The illuminated one, the Osiris, Djed–Bastet–iwef–ankh, justified, born (to) Irt–ieru, he speaks: O, these shabtis, if one counts, the Osiris, Dejd–Bastet-iwef–ankh, justified, to do all the works to be done there in the realm of the dead – now indeed obstacles are implanted therewith – as a man at his duties, ‘here I am,’ you shall say at any time to serve there, to cultivate the fields, to irrigate the river banks, to ferry the sand of the [west to the] east and vice–versa; ‘here I am,’ you shall say". CONDITION NOTE 1998: Pitted, chipped, surface loss, surface dirt.