Shabti of Iset-em-khebit
‘Overseer’ shabti wearing the kilt of everyday life with a projecting frontal apron. The figure wears a short wig painted black. The right arm is folded across the waist, and the left arm hangs down by the side. The right hand holds a whip added in black paint. The face has the eyes with brows added in black. The feet and legs are indicated in the modelling. The projecting apron bears the name of Osiris as a posthumous epithet of the owner, without recording the owner’s personal name itself. In certain museum collections, possessing equally anonymous ‘overseer’ figures of the same set, documentation uniformly attributes them to an Iset–em–Khebit.
Transliteration and translation of the inscription: Wsir, "The Osiris".
From Abydos [North Cemeteries:Cemetery E] excavated by John Garstang for the Egyptian Research Account.