Shabti of Montu–hotep



Blue glazed mummiform shabti inscribed for Montu-hotep. The shabti figure wears a plain tripartite beard and divine beard. The arms are crossed above the waist, and the hands, which have pronounced thumbs, protrude from a shroud to hold a hoe in the right, and a pick and the cord of a basket in the left. The pick is rather indistinct in the modelling. The basket is carried behind the left shoulder but it is not well defined. The back of the shabti is gently shaped to show the contours of the body. The front of the figure has a vertical column of incised hieroglyphs that read, “The Osiris, the God’s Servant of Amun, the Scribe of the Divine Offerings of Amun, Montu–Hotep”. The feet broken off and missing. Transliteration and translation of the inscription: Wsir Hm-nTr (n) Imn sS Htp.w nTr Imn MnT(.w)-Htp, "The Osiris, the God’s Servant of Amun, the Scribe of the Divine Offerings of Amun, Montu–Hotep". From Abydos, North Cemeteries, Cemetery D, tomb 16C that was excavated by Arthur Mace. CONDITION NOTE 1998: Incomplete, surface cracked, pitted, surface dirt.