Shabti of Nub–em–wadj
The legs and torso of a mummiform shabti made of green egyptian faience. The arms are crossed above the waist, and it is evident that the hands hold a pair of implements. The lower strand of a wesekh–collar that is worn on the chest is modelled in shallow relief and painted black. An amulet that appears to resemble a pylon–shaped pectoral is modelled in shallow relief and outlined in black below the collar. There is a water pot carried behind the right elbow that was probably also mirrored on the other side when the shabti was complete. The bottom of a basket is also evident on the back at the top of the fragment. The shabti has a ‘T’–shaped inscription. This is unusual for the New Kingdom, this layout being first evident on shabtis during the Late Period, 27th Dynasty. Transliteration and translation of the inscription: [s]HD Wsir ?? (n) Imn Nbw-m-wAD, "The illuminated one, the Osiris, ???, the Chantress (of) Amen, Nub–em–wadj".
The shabti is recorded as coming from Esna, from the excavations undertaken by Harold Jones (1905) and John Garstang (1906) for the Institute of Archaeology at Liverpool. From tomb 300.