Shabti of Pa-di-neith
Mummiform shabti wearing a plain tripartite wig and a plain divine beard. The arms are crossed on the chest, and the hands hold a pick in the left and a hoe in the right. The right hand also holds the cord of a basket that is carried behind the left shoulder. The face is fairly round in shape, the eyes of are quite small and widely spaced. The shabti is supported by a dorsal pillar and stands upon a trapezoidal base. The body of the figure has nine horizontal bands of an incised inscription as well as a vertical column of inscription on the dorsal pillar. The owner is named as Pa–di–Neith, followed by rather indistinct and garbled version of Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead.
Transliteration and translation of the inscription: Dd mdw sHD Wsir im.y-r pr wr n dwA.t-nTr p(A)-di-N.t mAa-xrw ms n t(A)-di-BAst.t mAa.t-xrw Dd.f i wSb.ty ipn ir Wsir p(A)-di-N.t [mAa-xrw] r ir kA(.t) nbw(.t) ir im m Xr.t-nTr ist Hw sDb(.w) ??? r nw nb ir(t) ???, "Recitation (by) the illuminated one, the Osiris, the Chief Steward of the Divine Adoratrice, Pa–di–Neith, justified, born to Ta–di–Bastet, justified, he speaks: O, these shabtis, if one counts the Osiris, Pa–di–Neith, [justified], to do all the works that are to be done there in the realm of the dead – now indeed obstacles are implanted therewith ??? you are counted off at any time to serve there,???".
Glenn Janes says this shabti comes from Western Thebes, El Asâsîf, tomb 197 (See linked publication below).