Shabti of Pinudjem I
Mummiform shabti wearing a tripartite wig with striations neatly added in black. The rear lappet is quite short, finishing at the neck. The shabti has a uraeus somewhat crudely modelled in low relief on the forehead. The arms are crossed right over left on the chest, and the hands hold a hoe added in black. A wesekh–collar, incorporating a lower strand with drop–shaped beads, is worn across the chest. The face on the shabti shows very good detail. The eyes and brows are added in black. The chin has a short stubby beard also painted black. There is a vertical column of inscription on the front of the shabti giving the throne name (prenomen) of king Pinudjem I, Kha–Kheper–Re–setep–en–Amun in abbreviated form as Kha–Kheper–Re. The shabti is from the Royal Cache, Cache I (TT 320) at Thebes, Deir el–Bahari. It is a particularly fine example. Similar to the Priests of Amun, Cache II, the Royal Cache was a tomb reused as a burial place to safeguard the mummies and coffins, together with a limited amount of funerary equipment, for some forty kings, queens, and other distinguished persons of the New Kingdom, together with a further ten for High Priests and their wives of the Third Intermediate Period. Pinudjem was a High Priest of Amun at Thebes who assumed the title of King and ruled over Upper and Middle Egypt. He was the third High Priest of Amun to exercise his authority following a period of instability at the end of the New Kingdom. At the time of Pinudjem I, Lower Egypt, with a capital at Tanis, was ruled by King Smendes I. The two factions seemingly ruled their respective areas without conflict, perhaps having organised a power–sharing agreement.
Transliteration and translation of the inscription: sHD Wsir nsw.t xa-xpr-Ra-[stp-n-Imn] r ir(.t) kA.t nb(.t), "The illuminated one, the Osiris, the King, Kha–Kheper–Re–[setep–en–Amun], to do all works".
Presented by Miss Amelia B Edwards, 1887, in exchange for a wooden shabti of Seti I (M13574).