Shabti of Psamtek
Mummiform shabti wearing a finely striated tripartite wig and a plaited divine beard. The arms are crossed right over left on the chest, and the hands protrude from a shroud to hold a pick in the left, and a hoe in the right. The right hand also holds the twisted rope of a basket that is suspended behind the left shoulder. The face is fairly square in shape and has large bulging, almond–shaped eyes with brows that are modelled in raised relief high above eyes themselves. The nose is broad and the mouth has fairly thick lips with a hint of a smile. The chin is quite pronounced. The shabti is supported by a wide dorsal pillar and stands upon a trapezoidal base. The body has eight horizontal bands of incised inscription naming the owner as Psamtek, who has the ‘Good name’ Ah–mose, born to Bastet–ir–dis, followed by Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead.
Translation of the inscription: O, these shabtis, if one counts, the Osiris, the Overseer of the Treasury, Psamtek, ‘Good name’ Ah–mose, justified, born to Bastet–ir–dis, to do all the works that are to be done in the realm of the dead – now indeed obstacles are implanted therewith – as a man at his duties, ‘here I am,’ you shall say at any time to serve there, to cultivate the fields, to irrigate the river banks, to ferry the sand of the east to the west; ‘here I am,’ you shall say.
Transliteration of the inscription: i wSb.ty ipn ir Wsir im.y-r pr-Hd psmTk rn.f nfr iaH-ms mAa-hrw ms n bAst.t-ir-di.s r ir kA.t nb(.t) ir(.t) im m Xr.t-nTr (i)st Hw sDb.w im m s r Xrt.f m.k wi r nw nb ir.t im r srwD sx.t (r) smH.y wDb.w r Xn.t Say r m.k wi
Probably from from Giza, tomb LG 84 –‘Campbell’s Tomb’.
Hand written label on the back pillar reads, "Ancient Egyptian. Shabti figure of the 18th Dynasty B.C. 1800 with Hieroglyphics VI Chap. 'Book of the Dead'. See page 128 2nd Ed. Britt. Mus. Guide. Petrie Coll. Very fine. EN/".