Shabti of Satmut
A mummiform shabti mould made from dried clay with an inscription added in black. The shabti wears a plain tripartite wig. The arms are crossed left over right on the chest. The hands hold a pair of small hoes that are also shown in relief. The face is quite small, with the details fairly well defined. Flat–backed with no trace of a basket being carried. A hieratic inscription is added in black on the front which read, “The Chantress of Amun, the Lady of the House, Satmut.”. Old label associated with the shabti says its from the Tyndale collection.
An old label, originally attached to the back of another shabti for Satmut (accession number 56.5.78), says it was excavated at Gurob and is also from the Tyndale collection. The cemeteries at Gurob were excavated by Loat in 1904, and by Brunton and Engelbach in 1920. No shabtis for Satmut appear to be recorded in the publications that subsequently followed excavations at Gurob. Walter Tyndale worked with Currelly Charles Currelly at Deir el-Bahari 1906-07. Currelly had worked at Gurob in the 1903-04 season and may have given this shabti to Walter Tyndale [informaiton supplied by Dr Daniel Potter, 28.02.2023]. A parallel shabtis for Satmut are in the World Museum collection no. 56.5.78; and the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology no. UC 34368 (also recorded as being ex Tyndale collection).