Shabti of Sety I



Mummiform shabti, missing its lower legs and feet, wearing a tripartite wig with striations added in black, and with horizontal bands across the lower ends of the lappets. The arms are crossed right over left above the waist, and the hands hold a pair of hoes added in black. Bracelets are worn on the right wrist. A wesekh–collar is painted across the chest showing four strands without detailing of any beads. A broad basket is painted on the back. The face is fairly well modelled. Eyes with brows are added in black paint. The shabti has marks on the back where it was separated by spacers from other shabtis in the kiln during the firing process, the purpose being to stop the shabtis from sticking together. These spacers were probably made of wood. The shabti is made of bright blue faience and has two bands of inscriptions with the upper part of a third band. Transliteration and translation of the inscription: sHD Wsir nsw.t Mn-MAa.t-Ra mAa-xrw Dd.f i SAb.ty ip.t(n) ir (i) ir sA Ra sty-mr.y-(n)-PtH mAa-xrw r ir.t kA.t nb(.t) [irr.t im (m) Xr.t-nTr] ..., "The illuminated one, the Osiris, the King, Men–Maat–Re, justified, he speaks: O, these shabtis, if one calls, if you counts, if one reckons, the Son of Re, Seti, Beloved (of) Ptah, justified, [to do all the works to be done there] …". CONDITION NOTE (1998): Incomplete, pitted, surface dirt.