Shabti of Ta–rudjet



Mummiform shabti of Tarudjet, daughter of Tentamun. The shabti wears a plain tripartite wig and a plaited divine beard. The arms are crossed right over left on the chest. Hands emerge from a shroud to hold a pick in the left, and a hoe in the right. The right hand also holds the twisted rope for a basket that is carried behind the left shoulder. All attributes are very well modelled. The facial details are also well defined. The eyes have brows in raised relief. The shabti stands against a dorsal pillar and upon a trapezoidal base. A ‘T’–shaped incised inscription names the owner as Ta–Rudjet. Transliteration and translation of the inscription: sHD Wsir tA-rwD(.t) ms (n) tA-(n.t)-Imn mAa(.t)-xrw, "The illuminated one, the Osiris, Ta–Rudjet born (to) Tent–Amen, justified". CONDITION NOTE 1998: Discoloured, concretions, worn, surface dirt. Parallel ushabtis for Ta–rudjet are to be found in Aix–en–Provence (821–1–145), Dublin (National Museum of Ireland, 1899:83), London (British Museum EA (9175–9188 & 34127), Lyon (141 – formerly in the Louvre, E 13418), Oxford (presented to the Bodleian Library in 1635 by Archbishop Laud). These shabtis must have been among the earliest to find their way to Europe - one in the University of Oxford was presented to the Bodleian Library by Archbishop William Laud as early as 1635. Gatty Slip (1873): Porcelain sepulchral figure, in good condition, of 'Tarut'.