Shabti of Tjauiwi
Mummiform shabti made of blue glazed faience, wearing a plain tripartite wig painted black. The arms are folded above the waist, and the hands hold a pair of hoes. The hands are outlined in black, and the wrists have bracelets painted on them. The arms are also outlined although only very faintly. A wesekh–collar is painted across the chest. A large, rectangular basket with horizontal line detail is carried on the back of the shabti. A pair of water pots, supported on a vertical yoke, are carried behind the right shoulder, and a crook is carried behind the left. The crook is an implement seldom found on shabtis. All of these elements are added in black. The face of the shabti is rounded in shape, and comparatively well modelled. Details of the eyes, brows, and mouth are all painted in black. The body of the shabti has four horizontal bands of a painted inscription, with a vertical column on the back. The owner is named as Tjauiwi, his name being followed by a version of Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead.
Transliteration and translation of the inscription: sHD Wsir TAw-iwi mAa-xrw Dd.f i SAbty ip.(t)w iry ir r kA[.t] r ir r nb.t m Xr.t-nTr r (s)rwD sx.t r wDb.w, "The illuminated one, the Osiris, Tjauiwi, justified, he speaks: O, these shabtis, if you are reckoned, to do all the works that are to be done in the realm of the dead – to cultivate the fields, to irrigate the river banks".