Statue Fragment
Fragment of a statue of Nefertiti wearing a pleated garment with fringe. Inscribed with the name of the Aten. Back and short back pillar from a crouching statue, carved from indurated limestone. Marked by the excavator in black ink T.117. T.A. 31.32. 381.
Find number 31/381. From in the Central City: Small Aten Temple, Court II: South Gate.
CONDITION NOTE 1998: Incomplete, chipped, surface cracks,abrasions, surface dirt, discolouration.
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no. 153570: "FRAGMENT OF STATUE Limestone. 14¼" X 5½" T. 117. T.A. 31-32. 381 Egyptian. Egyptian Exploration Society, 1931-1932, Tel l-Amarna".