Statuette of a Standing Woman



Statuette of a standing, young woman, the jar she holds is a restoration. The lack of any other attributes makes it difficult to identify who the female is. The hair of the woman is parted in a central part and pulled into a bun. Her pose is frontal and her head is lowered slightly. Her left hand is raised to grasp the bodice of her dress. She wears a sleeveless chiton with long overfolds. The back of the dress is flat. The statuette was heavily restored and chemically treated and as a result has a mix of granular and smooth but shiny surfaces.. Restorations include the right arm from below the elbow, the lower legs carved as one with the feet and the plinth; the section of the drapery below the right knee, finger of the left hand and strut, neck and drapery at the neckline. Although broken and reattached the head must have belonged to the same body. The restored nose originally fixed with a dowel is now missing.