


Round top stela, divided into three registers. At the top is a winged sun disc with two pendant uraei between which is a line of hieroglyphs, giving the name and standard epithets of the sun disc. On either side is a painted sitting jackal, that on the left less well preserved. The second register shows Osiris (left) sitting on his throne, placed on a small platform, wearing the white crown and holding a heka- sceptre and a flail. Before him stands a figure of a man raising his right arm and dressed in the traditional Egyptian long garment. Anubis (right), dressed in a short kilt, stands behind the man, putting his right arm around his shoulders and introducing him to Osiris; his left arm is at his side and he grasps an anx- sign. An attempt was made to insert a second figure between Anubis and the deceased. An offering table beneath the raised right arm of the deceased may have been added also at this time, to judge from the lightness of the incised line and its position in relation to the man. All figures are depicted in profile. The stela is carved in incised relief. The third register comprises four lines of Greek. The hieroglyphic text reads: bhdtj nTr aA nb pt- Behedeti, ‘the great god, lord of the sky’. This is another line of hieroglyphs, written in ink, above the figure of the deceased and of Anubis, giving the name and standard titles of the god. Inpw imy-wt xnty sH-nTr- Anubis, imy-wt, who dwells in the divine booth. The Greek text reads: ‘(Stela) of Hierax the son and grandson of Agathokles, Lycopolite, he died (aged) 15 years. Farewell’. Remains of green colour on the pt-sign, on the collars of the deceased and Osiris, and on the platform of the throne. Remains of yellow colour on the base line. Remains of red colour on the body of Osiris. The flail, the heka- sceptre and the anx- sign are painted in black colour.