Round-topped stela. In the lunette is a shen sign flanked on the right by a wedjat and a pot beneath. On the left side is a man seated smelling a lotus flower, with a short column of text above in black naming him Ahmose. Before him stands a female relative making offerings. Above a horizontal line of text describes her as the ‘lady of the house’. Possibly as ancestor worship stela of the late New Kingdom.
CONDITION NOTE (1998): Wood splitting, hole in back, concretions, loss of decoration, surface cracked and flaking off, discoloured, surface dirt.
Previously described as: "A round topped stela made of wood and painted. Within a blue border a man is depicted seated at the left of the scene, while on the right the smaller female figure of his wife is shown making offerings before him. There are small inscriptions in black about the figures but these are now badly faded. The deceased appears to have been named Mose.22nd Dynasty" (Andrea Davies and Dirk van der Plas, ed., 2001).
Published in a catalogue of the collection by Charles Gatty in 1879: "Wooden Sepulchral Tablet; of Khuenmas, who is represented seated on a chair, whilst a lady, whose name is illegible, makes offerings to him" (Gatty, 1879 p. 36 no. 181).
Gatty Slip (1873): Wooden sepulchral tablet, painted, of 'KHUENMAS' - who is presented seated in a chair, whilst a lady, whose name is illegible, makes offerings to him.
Percy Newberry's Catalogue Card (1910): Stela. Wood. Height 0.245 Breadth 0.135. Round topped stela of wood painted. Border blue. Scene shows a man seated with woman making offerings to him. [Transcription of the text]. Technique: good. Preservation: colour much faded. Period: XXIInd Dynasty. Bibliography: Gatty, Catalogue of the Mayer collection p 33 No 181.
Mentioned in the ‘Handbook and Guide to the Egyptian Collection on Exhibition in the Main Hall of the Museums’, Liverpool, 4th edition, (Liverpool, 1932) p.54, no. 23: "Round topped painted wooden stela of a priest of the god Wepwawet, named Khnems, who is shown seated on a chair and holding a lotus flower to his nose".