Studio Scene (Set design for 'This Was a Man')
WAG 1703
This watercolour painting depicts a set design for the play 'This Was a Man'. The scene depicted is set within a room. The room has grey walls and a yellow/brown floor with a large purple and yellow rug on it. On the left wall for the viewer is a doorway with a tall candelabra beside it. On the back wall is a large framed painting, a large window in the centre with purple curtains and either a wooden door or a cabinet. On the right wall is a large opening, possibly either a window or fireplace, with a mantle above it. The furniture around the edge of the room consists of a drawer with two candlabras on it, paintings propped against the wall, an eisel and a small wooden table. In the centre is a red chair and a long wooden table with objects and a white lamp on top.