


Sword with bone cross guard with rectangular metal extension on blade face side. A carved bone, V-shaped 'pommel', composed of two pieces. The long edge of the pommel is decorated with 2 rows of red hair tufts - 13 one side, 12 the other. The rest of the pommel is decoratively carved, including the edges. There is also a carved, circularl boss attached with a metal pin in the centre of the pommel. The grasp of the handl is bound, possibly in leather. The blade is straight, but widens as it reaches the end. The end has two tips; each tip is at the end of either a straight or curved cutting edge. The curved edge also has two small projections. Written on object: 43.39 PHILIPPINES Old label [tied to object]: 'LIVERPOOL MUSEUMS 43.39.3 Philippines' Label [tied to external packaging]: 'Sword 1943.39.3 PHILIPPINES IS. [reverse] 2365'