Untitled : 42c - 18
WAG 1997.39
Peter Abrahams donated a series of four of his drawings to the Walker Art Gallery in July 1997. He wrote the following about his work at that time:
'These drawings were made in early 1996 as part of a larger series of work on paper. While the drawings exist as independent works, to some extent they were studies or rehearsals for large-scale monochrome, acrylic paintings which were made later in the same year.
The drawings (and the paintings) incorporate simple geometric forms which are easily and instantly grasped by the viewer. The forms are placed centrally and symmetrically to evade the usual traditions of compositions such as variety, movement, balance etc. These forms are, however, placed within a context of scanning or sequentially ordered marks which are perceived and grasped over more extended time. In many of the works, the central forms operate as twins and form an analogy with the viewer's eyes. I had hoped that the 'stereo' activity of looking at, and mediating on the work, is incorporated into the imagery itself.'