Adventures in art

Especially designed for Key Stage 1, this workshop focuses on simple and fun art activities that enable children to discover the Walker Art Gallery's collection. We will show our youngest scholars that the gallery is a space for interaction and creativity, helping to foster a love of art that will last a lifetime.

Workshop details

This workshop weaves storytelling and quick gallery games to engage young children with our artworks. 

Introducing the concept of what a collection is and what an art gallery is for, the workshop then moves on to a whistle-stop tour of our gallery highlights. 

Your friendly facilitator will use an exciting narrative to link the artworks together and the workshop concludes with the children sculpting their own mini creations surrounded by the splendour of our sculpture gallery.   

All our taught workshops take place on gallery amongst our incredible collection of artworks, making this an authentic and valuable way to boost your student’s cultural capital. 

Image © Robin Clewley

Curriculum links

Art and design

  • Students will learn to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences, and imagination.
  • This workshop will help them develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form, and space.
  • During the workshop we will look at the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and encourage students to make links to their own work.

English speaking and listening

  • Students will be encouraged to participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns, and listening to what others say.
  • There will be an opportunity to discuss and clarify the meanings of words, linking new meanings to known vocabulary.
  • Students will have an opportunity to ask and answer questions.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

Pupils will:

  • gain knowledge and understanding of the roles of artists and their working practices
  • gain knowledge and understanding of the visual elements
  • develop an understanding of materials and how they can be used


Pupils will:

  • Develop observation skills by creating first-hand observational drawings
  • Improve their speaking and listening skills in a group discussion context
  • Learn to give reasoned answers backed up by evidence
  • Develop an awareness of different kinds of art
  • Develop artistic technique


Pupils will be introduced to:

  • The role of an artist
  • The role of a national gallery like the Walker Art Gallery
  • That paintings are produced by an artists by hand
  • That artists use a variety of skills
  • That art is subjective and that we can all have different responses to it