Illustrator Sally-Anne Hickman talks Manga

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Manga Girls by Sally-Anne Hickman Sally-Anne Hickman is an illustrator who began creating comics in 2001. She will be delivering two Manga workshops for young people aged 13 years + and adults at the Gallery on 6 August and 9 September as part of the Edo Pop: Japanese Prints exhibition. This workshop is proving to be very popular, with tickets for the 6 August edition starting to fly out as soon as we made them available. Don't miss out on the 9 September workshop, tickets for this will be available from the end of August on our website. Keep an eye on our social media channels for the latest ticket information.   Sally-Anne says: "I first became interested in Manga as a teenager when I saw the popular anime (cartoon) Sailor Moon. I loved the colours and outfits that the magical girls would wear. I later discovered the cartoon came from manga (a Japanese comic book) and has become one of the most popular manga and anime series worldwide. The entire series has sold over 35 million copies throughout the world! I soon became obsessed with trying to recreate what I saw through my own drawings. I always get asked when I first started drawing and it’s tricky to answer because as soon as I could put a pencil to paper I never really stopped drawing. I went to university to study animation so I could continue to improve on my skills. Whilst studying I found a love of Kawaii Culture; kawaii is the Japanese word for cute. I loved characters like Hello Kitty, Afro Ken and Doraemon. I also began to add lots of colour and decorations to the clothes I wear which is popular among some Japanese teenagers. When I visit the exhibition I’m really looking forward to seeing the 19th century woodblock prints of urban celebrities. I would love to create some celebrity lino prints of popstars at home so hopefully this exhibition will inspire me to do so!" Cake by Sally-Anne Hickman Mouse by Sally-Anne Hickman Sally Shiny Stars by Sally-Anne Hickman