Handmade book binding workshop with Wendy Williams

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In this workshop you will learn how to make your own handmade book with decorative binding, using simple stitching techniques. We will discuss ideas so that you can make your own personal cover and pages.

You will learn bookbinding techniques using more readily available items than specialist tools and materials, so you will be able to take away your own handmade books alongside the skills to make more at home.

Suitable for young people aged 16+ due to equipment used in the workshop. No previous experience is needed.

All the materials and tools are provided, but if you would like to make a more personalised cover and pages, please bring along paper bits and bobs that reflect your personality or interests. These can include paper bags from your favourite food or clothes store, or images from magazines for example.

About the artist

Wendy Williams is a Wirral artist who works with recycled materials.

Recently commissioned to make a large scale paper installation for Chester Cathedral, she runs various paper-related workshops, such as handmade books and jewellery making.