Beyond the label: a Cheshire treasure, the Knutsford hoard

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In 2012 a Roman hoard was discovered just outside of Knutsford and reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme at the Museum of Liverpool. The hoard consists of 103 coins, three stunning brooches and two finger rings.

In this talk Vanessa Oakden, Curator of Regional Archaeology will share the significance of the objects, details from the excavation and what happened next! 

Tickets for this talk cost £7 and can be booked below.

Beyond the label talks

Our museums and galleries are a treasure trove of fascinating stories and world class collections. In this exciting series of talks you will get the opportunity to meet the experts who care for our collections, find out never-before-told behind the scenes stories of our most beloved objects, and get the opportunity to pick the brains of a real museum expert. 

Go beyond the museum labels and delve into the fascinating world of art, history, science, and community stories in this unmissable series. 

Find all the upcoming talks on the beyond the label page and book your tickets!