Beyond the label: the Galkoff's tiles

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The tiled frontage of Galkoff's kosher butcher's shop was moved to the Museum of Liverpool in 2018. These beautiful tiles represent the story of Liverpool's Jewish community.

The earliest records of Jewish people in Liverpool are in the mid 18th century, and in the later 19th century the population grew as people fled religious persecution in the 'progroms'.

Galkoff's was a thriving business in the 20th century Jewish community around London Road, but closed in the 1970s and the building fell into disrepair.

Using the tiles as a backdrop Lead Curator Liz Stewart will tell you the fascinating story of this community, the history of Galkoff's, and the amazing insights that research brought to light. 

Tickets for this talk cost £7 and can be booked below.

Image © Gareth Jones

Beyond the label talks

Our museums and galleries are a treasure trove of fascinating stories and world class collections. In this exciting series of talks you will get the opportunity to meet the experts who care for our collections, find out never-before-told behind the scenes stories of our most beloved objects, and get the opportunity to pick the brains of a real museum expert. 

Go beyond the museum labels and delve into the fascinating world of art, history, science, and community stories in this unmissable series. 

Find all the upcoming talks on the beyond the label page and book your tickets!