Celebrate Liverpool Pride with our Youth Engagement Forum and YPAS
No current dates available

Celebrate Liverpool Pride at the Museum of Liverpool in our pop up event hosted by the National Museums Liverpool Youth Engagement Forum and YPAS for all LGBTQ+ young people and all allies.
During the event we'll be inspired by some of the LGBTQ+ people who've made a contribution to different fields, as well as spoken word and poetry from the young hosts.
There will be an inclusive and safe space where we will celebrate our own individuality, explore what us all individuals, ask questions and invite and share tips as to what we can all do to make each other feel included, safe and important.
We'll have an instagrammable selfie station with lots of fun and colourful props for you to take and share your photos.
There will be face painting and a host of other activities throughout the day organised by the young people from YPAS and the Youth Engagement Forum.
This is a lovely friendly space for all young people. Just drop in - this free event is open to everyone to attend and join in.
More details to be announced soon!
Image © Pete Carr