Disability History Month Workshop
No current dates available

To celebrate this year's Disability History Month, the Museum of Liverpool are hosting a series of creative workshops responding to this year's dual themes of Hidden Impairments and Sex and Relationships. The project consists of three creative workshops led by local disabled artist Jens Welch.
In these workshops we will explore Disability History Month focusing on this years themes of Hidden Disabilities and Sex and Relationships. We will investigate the museum collection with a focus on these themes and develop personal responses to a chosen item on display. We will produce visual and written pieces that are rooted in our own lived experiences. Individual pieces created as part of these workshops will then be digitally displayed in the museum atrium and turned into a series of postcards.
No arts or creative writing experience is necessary just a willingness to explore the themes with group participants.
We ask you inform us of any access requirements you have and that you commit to attend all three workshops. We ask you keep any issues discussed within the workshops confidential. This is to create a mutually safe space where people can build trust and respect for each other, to encourage discussion of our lived experiences of disability and share our creative work.
If you would like to book on to this series of workshops please contact Matt Exley on Matt.Exley@liverpoolmuseums.org.uk but please be aware that spaces are limited. Please note that these workshops will be delivered in person at the Museum of Liverpool.