13th European Bird Curators Meeting
No current dates available

The 13th edition of the biennial European Bird Curators Meeting will be held on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October 2024.
National Museums Liverpool will be hosting the meeting at World Museum, Liverpool.
The meeting will include submitted presentations, collections tour, conference dinner (optional - Tuesday 29th October) and field excursion (optional - Thursday 31st October).
The objective of the European Bird Curators Meetings is to promote cooperation, dissemination of best practices and new techniques in the curation, management, and use of bird collections. Presenters in the scientific programme include curators, collection managers, museum historians and ornithological researchers. These are friendly meetings and anyone with an interest is welcome to join us.
- Programme
- Everything you need to know about your visit to Liverpool
Contact: vertebratezoology@liverpoolmuseums.org.uk for more info
We look forward to welcoming you to Liverpool!