Beyond the label: ammonites, coiled shells from the past

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The Ammonites are an important group of extinct molluscs, related to today’s Nautilus and more distantly to the Octopus and Squid families. They were extremely common during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, between 200 and 66 million years ago,  and thus lived at the same time as the Dinosaurs. They evolved into many different species and because of their widespread distribution they are useful as Zone Fossils enabling the identification of particular rock layers. They became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period during the same event that saw the end of the Dinosaurs.

Get the opportunity to meet a whole host of curators in this fascinating panel talk. Between them our experts care for the precious, the weird, the wonderful, the fascinating. In this talk each will talk briefly about their area of expertise, give you a flavour of the types of objects they care for, and lift the lid on what it actually means to be a museum curator.

Beyond the label talks

Our museums and galleries are a treasure trove of fascinating stories and world class collections. In this exciting series of talks you will get the opportunity to meet the experts who care for our collections, find out never-before-told behind the scenes stories of our most beloved objects, and get the opportunity to pick the brains of a real museum expert. 

Go beyond the museum labels and delve into the fascinating world of art, history, science, and community stories in this unmissable series. 

Find all the upcoming talks on the beyond the label page and book your tickets!