In Conversation with Natalie Haynes | Return of the Gods
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This event is SOLD OUT, but there are plenty more in our Autumn/Winter programme for Return of the Gods, including Exploring connections with art historian Frank Milner, How amulets protected the ancient world and more
Find more events on our Return of the Gods exhibition page here
Bestselling author Natalie Haynes returns to the world of Greek myth she so wittily explored in Pandora’s Jar and turns her focus on Olympus itself – not on the gods, who have had far more attention than they deserve over the millennia since these stories were first told, but on the goddesses.
A cash bar will be in operation and all ticket holders will have access to the Return of the Gods exhibition as well as the opportunity to purchase Natalie's book.
Natalie Haynes is a writer and broadcaster. She is the author of novels the Amber Fury, shortlisted for the McIlvanney prize; the children of Jocasta, a feminist retelling of the Oedipus and Antigone stories; a thousand ships (shortlisted for the women’s prize), a retelling of the Trojan war from an all-female perspective and stone blind a re-telling of the Medusa story (long listed for the Women’s prize); and non-fiction books The Ancient Guide To Modern Life and Pandora’s Jar about the women in Greek myths. She has written and presented seven series of the BBC Radio 4 show, Natalies Haynes stands up for the Classics. In 2015, she was awarded the Classical Association Prize for her work in bringing classics to a wider audience.
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