Identification workshop: Introduction to Bees
No current dates available
This one-day workshop will give an introduction to identifying and recording bees and will focus on the common and distinctive species found in the North-West.
The day will start with an introductory presentation followed by an identification session looking at specimens of common bee species. After lunch we will make our way to the meadows in front of and behind World Museum to search for bees and to learn how to use a net, insect pot and hand lens to get a closer look and identify them in the field.
Please note, this workshop will be aimed at those new to identifying bees or those with little experience.
Our tutors: Chloe Aldridge has been recording bees and wasps for about 5 years in Cheshire, including with Cheshire Bee Group, and through previous work as Monitoring Officer for Cheshire Local Environmental Records Centre. Leanna Dixon is the Assistant Entomologist on the Tanyptera Project at World Museum. She specialises in insect identification and recording with an emphasis on bees and wasps. Chloe and Leanna founded the Cheshire Bee Group in 2019.