Big Art
In our staff facilitated 45-minute session, students will take part in an arty scavenger hunt, and are invited to craft using collage and mark making materials. Our youngest visitors will learn what an art gallery is and why it is the perfect place for them to learn in, which they will love to visit. We make sure to provide an opportunity for free play and self-led activity in this session.
Workshop details
Big Art for Little Artists is a dedicated children’s gallery at the Walker Art Gallery, curated for children in early years and Key stage 1. This colourful, interactive space hosts paintings, sculptures, costumes, toys, books, games, and craft materials for children to explore. All activities are age and ability appropriate.
Key stage 1 classes can combine their Big Art visit with our Adventures in art workshop for a fuss-free full itinerary for your school’s big day out at the gallery.
Image © Robin Clewley
Curriculum links
Art and design
- Students will use a range of materials creatively to design and make products.
- Students will learn to use drawing painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences, and imagination.
- During the workshop we will look at the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and encourage students to make links to their own work.
English speaking and listening
- Students will listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers and ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge.
- Students will use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary.
- Students will articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions and give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes, including for expressing feelings.
- Students will participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play/improvisations and debates.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
Pupils will:
- Learn what an art gallery is
- Learn that there are different forms of art
- Learn to use materials creatively to design and make their own creations
Pupils will:
- Learn that the Walker Art Gallery belongs to everyone to enjoy, and it is a fun welcoming place to visit. A visit to Big Art boosts young children’s access to cultural capital.
- Learn that having an imagination is an incredible artistic skill that everyone possesses. We want to impress to children that the way they express their creativity is not right or wrong, or better or worse - it is personal and unique to them.
Pupils will flex and practise lots of different skills (literacy, fine and gross motor, team work and self actualisation) through set activities and free play without realising.
Pupils will be introduced to:
- The role of an artist
- The role of a national gallery like the Walker Art Gallery
- What a collection is